He's just so damned impetuous! I mean, all I did was tell him I needed some time to deal with a few personal issues - but then I come back and he's all but dumped me. Do you know he's turned some of our mutual friends against me? No, really - they hardly talk to me any more, they don't call me back, and some of them just stopped being my friends altogether.

He's really changed. I mean, he even looks different! I just don't know who he is anymore. I thought we had something special, but I'm really starting to get the feeling that he moved on while I was gone. Granted, two months is a long time, but it's not *that* long. Is it? I guess all those stories I heard about him before we got together were true... he's just not a one-woman platform. Could he have found someone wittier, someone with more time? Could I have been replaced?
No! I refuse to admit defeat. I'm not ready to give up just yet. I have to find a way to get that old thing back. Some way to feel that newness again. That feeling of never wanting to be apart. I just have to.
I want to go back to the way things used to be.